
skyrim how to use scrolls

When it comes to a player's offensive repertoire in The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim , the possibilities are enormous. Whether through sword or spell, the Dragonborn doesn't lack options. Magic, in particular, can be an incredibly useful skill to master. However, for those who don't want to devote their time to the arcane arts, there exists a very simple alternative.

Scrolls are single-use magical spells that any individual may cast. Even those with barely any magical affinity may utilize them, which makes scrolls highly versatile weapons. Some scrolls, unsurprisingly, are better than others. Always be on the lookout for these handy little helpers in Skyrim.

The Dragonborn doesn't have to worry too much about enemies who can't fight back. Paralysis spells turn hostiles into limp noodles. The Scroll of Mass Paralysis is best employed against large groups of weak enemies who will be unable to resist the spell's effects.

This particular scroll can prove doubly useful for sneaky characters. Coupled with an Invisibility spell or potion, players can position themselves amongst a clutch of hostiles, charge up the scroll, and unleash it. Foes will be sitting ducks after that.

For players looking to deal significant magical damage, Destruction spells are the way to go. For pure warriors, however, there may not be too many opportunities to employ fire, frost, or shock spells. Nevertheless, no matter the player's build, keeping a Scroll of Fire Storm handy is always a good idea.

The scroll, once fully charged, unleashes a fiery explosion based around the caster. Similar to the previous entry, this scroll can be used against groups of weak enemies. It can also put some serious hurt on bosses. Just make sure one has plenty of time to charge the scroll before an enemy has time to land a blow.

Enemies that are terrified by the Dragonborn's presence don't typically make great fighters. Scaring away one's foes can be extremely effective for acquiring some breathing space, especially on the higher difficulty levels when enemies are tougher. Thus, the Scroll Of Mass Hysteria can be great in a pinch.

When a combat encounter starts to get out of hand, it's best to force one's foes to back off. Try to bring a follower along to divert attention away from oneself. Then, pull out this scroll to send enemies up to Level 12 fleeing in terror and gain a minute of respite.

Foes that are too afraid to fight are all well and good. But what if those foes fought each other instead? Sowing violent discord among a cadre of enemies can help clear a room with surprising efficiency. Those who prefer to stick to the shadows can find plenty of opportunities to exploit with a Scroll of Mayhem.

Any foes caught within the Scroll of Mayhem's blast radius will Frenzy. Enemies up to Level 12 will attack anything and everything for 60 seconds. Even if a player is noticed, at least some of the enemies should be distracted enough with each other to make a hostile encounter more manageable.

Sometimes, despite a player's best efforts, enemies will get the better of them in Skyrim. Potions and Restoration magic are the primary forms of healing in the midst of battle. In particular, for mages low on Magicka, a quick infusion of health can mean the difference between life and death.

Fortunately, a Scroll of Cure Wounds doesn't cost any Magicka. If a fight turns sideways, and the player can achieve some breathing room, this scroll can prevent an early death. It restores 100 points of Health on the caster, a nice boost for those low on potions or Magicka reserves.

In Skyrim, squaring off against the undead is a common occurrence. Whether it's vampires, draugr, or something else, the Dragonborn is going to have his/her hands full while traversing a tomb. Spells capitalizing on these fiends' weaknesses are highly recommended to employ.

A Scroll of Bane of the Undead can help turn the tide of a battle quite effectively. Once cast, undead foes caught in the blast are set ablaze, taking fire damage in the process. They will also flee for 30 seconds, which hands the initiative decisively to the player.

For mages, spells that enhance or otherwise buff one's magical capabilities are highly useful. As part of the College of Winterhold's questline, players have the opportunity to collect five special scrolls as part of "Shalidor's Insights." The scrolls and their effects are as follows:

  • Shalidor's Insights: Alteration – Increases the duration of Alteration spells by 50% and reduces their cost by 50% for 120 seconds
  • Shalidor's Insights: Conjuration – Increases the duration of Conjuration spells by 50% and reduces their cost by 50% for 120 seconds
  • Shalidor's Insights: Destruction – Increases the duration of Destruction spells by 50% and reduces their cost by 50% for 120 seconds
  • Shalidor's Insights: Illusion – Increases the duration of Illusion spells by 50% and reduces their cost by 50% for 120 seconds
  • Shalidor's Insights: Restoration – Increases the duration of Restoration spells by 50% and reduces their cost by 50% for 120 seconds

These scrolls are obtained as a reward for finding special books for Urag gro-Shub at the College of Winterhold. What scrolls the player receives will be random. However, pure mages should find that all of these scrolls are beneficial to some degree.

Hitting opponents with blasts of ice can be devastatingly effective under the right circumstances. Like Fire Storm, a Scroll of Blizzard casts a wide, destructive radius. Enemies caught in its midst will find themselves more than just a little cold.

As an ice attack, the damage is dealt to both Health and Stamina. This scroll is doubly useful against bandits or otherwise melee-centric enemies. Ice slows them down and saps their Stamina, rendering power attacks impotent. Once foes are at a disadvantage, they become easy pickings to finish off.

Like fire and frost, shock attacks shouldn't be discounted either. A Scroll of Chain Lightning can actually be quite useful for pure warriors. When up against an enemy mage, the latter tends to have the advantage in terms of maneuverability. They can also drain the player's Health and Stamina, attributes highly important for a warrior.

Unleashing a well-timed shock attack can sap a mage's Magicka bar. With that gone, a magic-user has nothing. Cast a Scroll of Chain Lightning at a group of these foes, then finish off the defenseless pests.

Never leave home without an Invisibility spell. Whether it's a spell, potion, or scroll, being able to become invisible at an opportune moment can simplify a tricky situation painlessly. Players who don't prioritize collecting spells should certainly find this scroll beneficial.

Utilizing a Scroll of Invisibility pays dividends when trying to find an advantageous position among a group of enemies. Since many of the other scrolls on this list take a few seconds to charge, being able to do so in peace allows the Dragonborn to get the drop on his/her foes with ease.

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About The Author

Mark Hospodar (204 Articles Published)

Mark Hospodar has been an avid gamer ever since he fired up the original Medal of Honor on his PS1. A history teacher by training, Mark has branched out into the fields of fiction and non-fiction writing. He has co-authored several published works, including Future Imperfect and Tales from the Grimacing Goblin. However, his love of gaming has never dissipated over the years. A good, old-fashioned RTS title will always bring him back into the fold. His other interests include horror movies, toy soldier collecting, and anything Batman-related.

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